CRAYON Crayon Group Holding ASA Aktie -
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Crayon Group Holding är en IT-koncern. Bolaget är specialiserade inom utvecklandet av SAM, Software Asset Management, samt i rådgivning och hantering av licensiering som berör programvara,, moln- och volymlicensiering. Tjänster som erbjuds inkluderar utveckling av processdesign, optimeringar och molnbaserade lösningar. Company profile page for Crayon Group Holding ASA including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information CRAYON GROUP AS : Company profile, business summary, shareholders, managers, financial ratings, industry, sector and market information | London Stock Exchange 2021-03-15 · OSLO: Crayon Group ASA, the digital transformation experts, announced that Torgrim Takle will be stepping down as CEO as of March 15th.
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Analyse af alle aktier på Oslo Børs; Mellemlange og langsigtede grafer ⓘ Analyser på lang og mellemlang sigt, 1-6 måneder og 1-6 kvartaler investeringshorisont. 2021-03-15 · View today's stock price, news and analysis for Crayon Group Holding ASA (CRAYN). Barron's also provides information on historical stock ratings, target prices, company earnings, market valuation Crayon has 1,273 employees across 44 locations and KR9.05 B in annual revenue in FY 2018. See insights on Crayon including office locations, competitors, revenue, financials, executives, subsidiaries and more at Craft.
Crayon Group Holding ASA CRAYN - Stock Report
The Oslo Stock Exchange serves as the main market for trading in the shares of Norwegian ContextVision · OSE: COV, 17 March 1997, Health Care Technology. Crayon Group Holding · OSE: CRAYON, 8 November 2017, System Softw Crayon market and competitive intelligence tools provide a 360 degree view of your competitors' activities on a single dashboard with analysis and collaboration 17 mar. 2021 samning um sölu Símans á dótturfélaginu Sensa ehf. til Crayon A.S. Í gerir ekki athugasemd við sölu Sensa ehf.
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2018-08-07 2020-07-15 Get the latest stock price for Cronos Group Inc. (CRON), plus the latest news, recent trades, charting, insider activity, and analyst ratings. Real time Cronos Group Inc. (CRON) stock price quote, stock graph, news & analysis. Síminn hf. („Síminn“) og alþjóðlega upplýsingatæknifyrirtækið Crayon Group A.S. („Crayon“) undirrituðu í dag skuldbindandi samning um sölu Símans á dótturfélaginu Sensa ehf.
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Crayon Group Holding / Crayon kjøper it-selskap for 220 millioner / Crayon kjøper it-selskap for 220 millioner 2021-02-05 11:28 Crayon har inngått avtale om kjøp av it-selskapet Sensa som er kontrollert av Siminn, ifølge en melding onsdag. In depth view into CRAYF (Crayon Group) stock including the latest price, news, dividend history, earnings information and financials. Crayon Group Holding boasts a total shareholder return of 212% for the last year.
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Microsoft teams and Zoom backgrounds. 3 Likes3 Shares. Feb 23, 2021 Get the latest Crayon Group Holding ASA (CRAYF) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you Find jobs, benefits and insider info about Crayon, a Marketing Tech company in Boston. Team owned deliverables Retirement and Stock Option Benefits. Köp aktier i Crayon Group Holding - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage.