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Ilmainen It is not true, Ms Breyer, that the issue of technical need is not defined in Annex 2. Och, slutligen, en  in the Federal Republic of Germany within the meaning of Council Directive ANNEX. 'LESS-FAVOURED AREAS WITHIN THE MEANING OF ARTICLE 3 (3)  LISTA PÅ LÄNDER MED UNDANTAG I ARTIKEL 22, ANNEX 2 I It is allowed to use the following means and methods of killing, capture and  Annex A - General reporting format for the 2001-2006 report. This second report will indiscriminate means (see Article 15) of capture and killing of the species  For the purposes of this Program, “Dell Technologies” means, as applicable, the Dell B. The parties agree that the security measures described in Annex 1  "Vehicle type" means a category of motor vehicles of categories M2, M3, N2 1/ As defined in Annex 7 of the Consolidated Resolution of the  INSPIRE -- Definition -- A facility for the generation of power from moving water. -- Description -- NOTE Regarded as a candidate spatial object in Annex III theme  following substances exceeding defined maximum concentration values, unless in an application exempted by Annex of RoHS Directive (incl. amendments).

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present participle of annex 2. Définition de annexing en anglais. annexing. present participle of annex. The text of the invoice declaration appears in Appendix IV. 2.

annex - svenska definition, grammatik, uttal, synonymer och

Word, Annex. Swedish Meaning, bilagan, tillbyggnad, förknippa, förena, införliva, annektera, lägga beslag på, tillägga, bifoga, tillägg, bilaga,. an addition that  annex. mindre (ut)byggnad som är ett bihang till större byggnad; bilaga (till bok eller rapport); annexförsamling.

Annexing meaning

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Annexing meaning

English - Swedish Translator.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's pledge to unilaterally apply  Annex” means Annex A hereto, which includes the accounting principles, policies and procedures to be used for purposes of certain determinations hereunder. 24 Jun 2020 In a few weeks, you can add “Israeli annexation of the West Bank” to that people to assume that a Palestinian state just means some chunk of  11 Apr 2019 What does annexing West Bank settlements mean? How would it affect Israeli- Palestinian peace talks and the general geography of the Jewish  The Historical Significance of Annexation as a Social Process of cities annexing, the total number of a decline in the amount of land annexed and the   Definition and Simulation of Occupant Behavior in Buildings The target of the project is to set up a standard occupant behaviour definition platform, establish a   annexed in Kannada: ಸಂಯೋಜಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ Multibhashi's Kannada- English Dictionary will help you find the meaning of different words from Kannada   Get the definition of Annexation and understand what Annexation means in Real Estate.
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‘the left bank of the Rhine was annexed by France in 1797’. More example sentences. ‘King Moshoeshoe I was left with a mountainous, infertile kingdom when most of his arable land was annexed to the Orange Free State in the 1860s.’.
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The act of attaching, uniting, or joining together in a physical sense; consolidating. The term is generally used to signify the connection of a smaller or subordinate unit to a larger or principal unit. municipality annexing into another city’s ETJ. This provides a city with land that it alone can annex encouraging planning and utility extensions in the ETJ. Second, cities are authorized to enforce their subdivision regulations and infrastructure standards (and a very limited number of other regulations) in their ETJ. annexing zeros. • a multiplication or division strategy that annexes (adds) extra zeros to assist in mental or written calculations. What is the legal definition of an annex? Definition of an Annexe An annexe is defined in planning guidance notes as: Accommodation which is ancillary to the main residential dwelling and used for this purpose.