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Denisonii barb Tropical fish aquarium, Aquarium fish

The easiest way to distinguish between the two is by looking at size. Females get slightly larger than males. Females may also have duller coloration. Average Size. The average Denison Barb size is around six inches in length when fully-grown. My minimum tank size would be 55G, preferably larger. In my 75G, it does give some room to swim around, but the schooling effect would probably be more apparent in a much larger tank.

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Rare find at this size | Selling quality live freshwater fish shipped to your door. | For more information  Aug 18, 2016 - Find the Roseline Shark for sale at red line torpedo barb, roseline shark, bleeding eye barb or Miss Kerala Size is roughly 1.5  20 Apr 2017 I am looking to add a school of medium size fish with them. I will also get a fairly large group of Robust Corydoras. Roseline Shark · Scientific name: Sahyadria denisonii also puntius denisonii · Max Size: 4 inches · Food: Flake, Live, Frozen · Shipping size: Medium 2 inches  Roseline Torpedo Shark. freshwater Shark.

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10% Discount on orders over $400.00. Gift Certificates; Wish Lists 2010-01-09 Roseline Shark #169. $10.00.

Roseline shark size

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Roseline shark size

NEW LOWER COST SHIPPING RATES-Unlimited Combined Shipping For Bettas. Add as many Bettas as you like for $18-Fish Shipping as low as $18. Fish are held, quarantined and shipped from our facility in San Diego, California. In-fact, all of our fish are quarantined for at least 1 -2 weeks before being sold!Scientific Name:Puntius denisonii Common Name: Roseline shark, Denison's barb, Red line torpedo barb, Bleeding eye barbGeographic Origin: IndiaHabitat: Right at home in a heavily planted tankGender Difference: Unknow at this timeBreeding: Egg ScattererTemperament: Very Peaceful Maximum Size: 6" Temperature: 65 Roseline Sharks (2Inches) $ 2,499.00 $ 19.99-99%. Roseline Sharks 3 inch. Out of stock.

Scientific name: Puntius denisonii . 2. Roseline Torpedo Shark – Sahyadria denisonii. schooling torpedo barb. By Anandarajkumar.
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Keilantra Sizelove. 217-689- Pearlette Shark.

Golden roseline shark 3.5-4" in length live tropical fish. Rare find at this size | Selling quality live freshwater fish shipped to your door. | For more information  Roseline Torpedo Shark.
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Photo by Ryan Everhart • PicMonkey: Photo Editing Made Of

Always loved these guys.