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Hold Still - Nina Lacour - Recensioner - 9780525556084
@pocket.shop · Följs oss på Instagram! @pocketshopswe. Pocket Shop AB Titel: Hold Still Författare: Nina LaCour. Serie: - Sidor: 231. That night Ingrid told Caitlin, I'll go wherever you go.
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When 11:55 comes I spend the entire minute convincing you to stay. We always love quick and you never let me hold you. I dream of Nina LaCour, Hold Still Cracked up to be och Some girls are" - Courtney summers"Hold still" - Nina lacour"Story of a gir"l -Sara Zarr"Willow" - Julia Hoban"Bad girls Keep spreading reading joy ∆ ∆ #Katedralskolbib #booksofinstagram #bookshelves #bookstagram ago. / I have read Hold still by Nina LaCour.
Hold Still - Pocket Shop
“‘Sweetheart. Listen.’ Hold Still by: Nina LaCour Recommendations Summary When Caitlin's best friend Ingrid commits suicide, she wants nothing more than to hold still, remembering her love for her friend. But as she sees through her friends and family that she must move on. Caitlin struggles for a long Hold Still by Nina LaCour Publication Date/Version: October 2009/Hardcover Publisher: Dutton Books Age Group: 14 and up Received From: Publicist dear caitlin.
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Genre: YA, Romance.
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The book has been Hold Still by Nina LaCour. Summary: The book starts as summertime is ending and Caitlin is about to start her junior year of high school.The only thing is, at the end of the last school year, her best friend Ingrid committed suicide, leaving Caitlyn to go through the rest of high school alone - and now she has to put up with intruding stares and awkward conversations with people who want to 2019-05-06 · Hold Still is a heavy premise which focuses on the protagonist, Caitlin, going through the year after the loss of her friend, Ingrid. LaCour then performs a very delicate balance of not being afraid to go into detail concerning the extent of Ingrid’s mental illness, while doing what it can to not glorify it. Hold Still PDF book by Nina LaCour Read Online or Free Download in ePUB, PDF or MOBI eBooks.
Hold Still PDF book by Nina LaCour Read Online or Free Download in ePUB, PDF or MOBI eBooks.
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Hold Still - Pocket Shop
Utgivningsår: 2009. Förlag: Speak (2010) Sidor: 231. Handling: Efter att Caitlins bästa vän Ingrid begår självmord Nina LaCour. Förra året spontanköpte jag boken Hold Still, som jag då aldrig hört talas om tidigare. Tyckte bara att omslaget var fint och att handlingen verkade LaCour, Nina (författare); [Hold still. Svenska]; Jag går dit du går / Nina Lacour ; illustrationer: Mia Nolting ; översättning: Helena Stedman.