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Skyddsangivelser:. Märkningsuppgifter. Känneteckning enligt förordning (EG) Nr. 1272/2008 [CLP]. Faropiktogram (CLP). : GHS07. Signalord (CLP). : Varning.

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För att få släppa ut kemiska produkter på marknaden behöver du se till att följa dessa regler. This webpage displays: the GHS pictograms applicable to sectors other than transport of dangerous goods (i.e. pictograms with the red border) the pictograms for transport of dangerous goods (usually referred to as "labels" in transport of dangerous goods regulations) applicable to transport classes for which an equivalent GHS hazard class exists. Safety data sheet knowledge base – Hazard pictogram.


CLP GHS Maró anyag piktogram. Kivitel Bruttó ár Darab / Szín; 1,5 x 1,5 cm öntapadós matrica ( 16 db / ív ) 325 Ft: 4 x 4 cm öntapadós matrica ( 4 db / ív ) 325 Ft: 10 x 10 cm öntapadós matrica: 367 Ft: További méretek, lehetőségek Raktáron CLP GHS Gratis GHS/CLP Piktogram oversigt kan downloades til udprint i A4 og A3 eller bestil en flot plakat i A2. For mere information kontakt JO Safety A/S - Vores Skilte Din Sikkerhed. piktogram oversættelse i ordbogen dansk - svensk på Glosbe, online-ordbog, gratis.

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Den har också länkar till Reachlagstiftningen. GHS hazard pictograms for download. The GHS system is using the 9 GHS hazard pictograms with their GHS number, signal words and meaning, shown in the table below. These pictograms are also found on the site of the UNECE. However the hazard pictograms are available from the UNECE site in transparent form only in the eps format. Gefahrenpiktogramme zum Download.

som er kommet de senere årene (CLP, REACH) og som er underveis.
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5101–5128) and D.O.T. regulations at 49 C.F.R.

Diese sind in der untenstehenden Tabelle, zusammen mit ihren GHS-Nummern, … Faroangivelser enligt CLP-förordningen (PDF 143 kB) Skyddsangivelser enligt CLP-förordningen (PDF 323 kB) Vår plansch ger en bra översikt över CLP-förordningens alla faroklasser och farokategorier och vilken märkning i form av faroangivelser, piktogram och signalord som följer av respektive klassificering. GHS hazard pictograms for download. The GHS system is using the 9 GHS hazard pictograms with their GHS number, signal words and meaning, shown in the table below.
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CLP label is indentical to GHS label in EU (An example and detailed illustration is given). A complete CLP or GHS label shall contain the following elements: hazard pictograms, signal word, hazard statements (H-statements) and appropriate precautionary statements (P Statements) . To download the pictograms, right-click on the formats under each picture and select Save Target As GHS CLP Hazard pictograms, H and P Statements - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Hazard pictograms (GHS / CLP) A hazard pesticide, pesticides, human health The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) does not require any changes in the scope of hazards covered by EPA's existing l Published: Sep 19, 2013 UNDERSTANDING CLP PICTOGRAMS When working with hazardous chemicals, you’ll see helpful icons located on the labels. These visual reminders denote the nature and degree of hazard associated with the chemicals and, more importantly, they identify precautionary behaviors to help protect your health and the environment.