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drag through the mire. give a bad name. reflect negatively. muddy the reputation of. bring shame on. harm the reputation of.
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Synonyms for dragged in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for dragged. 123 synonyms for drag: pull, draw, haul, trail, tow, tug, jerk, yank, hale, lug, lag, trail, linger Drag definition, to draw with force, effort, or difficulty; pull heavily or slowly along; haul; trail: They dragged the carpet out of the house. See more. Drag queen synonyms and Drag queen antonyms.
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2 letter words IN 3 letter words BAG - BIT - DAB - DUB - HOP - JOG - LAG - LAY - LOP - LUG - MOW - NOD - OIL - PEG - SAG - TOW - TUG - WAY 4 letter words bring into disrepute. put in a bad light.
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Synonyms for drags on in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for drags on. 123 synonyms for drag: pull, draw, haul, trail, tow, tug, jerk, yank, hale, lug, lag, trail, linger From Longman Business Dictionary drag drag / dræg / verb [transitive] COMPUTING to move words, pictures etc across a computer screen by pulling them along with the mouse Either drag and drop the page into a message or choose Send Page from under the File menu. → See Verb table Origin drag 1 (1300-1400) Old Norse draga or Old English dragan; → DRAW 1 Definition and synonyms of drag from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
pest. pill.
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drag, drag on, drag out - proceed for an extended period of time.
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Drag definition, to draw with force, effort, or difficulty; pull heavily or slowly along; haul; trail: They dragged the carpet out of the house. See more. This source of drag depends on the shape of the aircraft and is called form drag.
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Instead of having to retype or replace this 16 Feb 2015 "Dragged" and "drug" are sometimes used interchangeably.