Concluding Remarks: Regulatory Gaps and Broader
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File Description:. Concluding remarks. Center for Alzheimer Research: Maria Ankarcrona, Mia Lindskog, Dorota Religa, Chengxuan Qiu. Poster Abstracts. Poster Abstracts 13 juni 2019 — 10.25- 10.40 Speech by a Sri Lankan Delegate: Quality and 12.00 – 12.20 discussion and concluding remarks (chair of the session: Ylva Mårell-Olsson, Umeå University, Sweden. 11:00ish. Joint final discussion – how (if) to proceed and concluding remarks. 12:00.
14- وأجاب المحاورون، في إطار الملاحظات الختامية ، على ما طُرح من أسئلة محددة وتعليقات. In concluding this conference, let me say a few words about economic slack in the euro area and the wage-inflation pass-through. I think these are interesting topics at the moment, because, as you know, euro area inflation has been persistently low for several years, and more recently we have observed some decoupling of wage inflation from price inflation. The Demographic.
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The discussion was lively both inside and outside th Concluding remarks. This paper uses the ATPSM model to assess the likely impact of the modalities for the ongoing agricultural negotiations on three country groups: developed countries, LDCs and the rest of the developing countries. Three scenarios were analyzed, the draft Harbinson modalities of March 2003 and those of the EU and US, as CONCLUDING REMARKS 417 B corresponding to any of the points in N1, then B will be said to be incomplete relative to S1. If some of the points in N 1 are represented in B then the latter is partially incomplete relative to 81 ' if all the points in N 1 are represented in B the latter is complete relative to s1 .
Concluding remarks by an academic - DiVA portal
Yes No. Do you want to Concluding remarks and future. development. In this thesis we have defined and implemented a Swedish grammar for word prediction. What structures.
I hope, Mr President, and this is my concluding remark, that we are at least going to cut the EUR 50 million budget lines financing the Israel-PLO peace agreement. Jag hoppas, herr talman, och jag skall sl ut a där, at t man ändå kommer a tt minska budgetposterna med 50 miljoner euro för att finansiera fredsavtalet mellan Israel och PLO.
CONCLUDING REMARKS system. A simple biv ariate example w as constructed where the actual size of the test w as high 75% at a nominal lev el of 5%. This result only due to the incorrect ordering of v ariables. In order a oid these large size distortions, the p ossibilities w ere in v estigated for constructing a pretest pro cedure in order to c hec k the ordering of v ariables. Disapp oin tingly, it
De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "concluding remarks" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises.
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AU - Knudsen, Jan Sverre. PY - 2017.
Thank you all for making this a memorable occasion. The ambitious theme for this conference has been the past, the present and the
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Concluding remarks by chair Business Arena
In concluding remarks, the panellists responded to specific questions raised and comments made.