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The Essential Dean Martin is a two-disc set featuring 40 tracks from Martin's recorded catalog, and includes hits and fan favorites from his years with Capitol (1953-1963) as well as his later tenure with Reprise Records (1963-1978). Listen to The Essential Dean Martin by Dean Martin on Apple Music. Stream songs including "From the Bottom of My Heart", "Senza Fine" and more. ABOUT THE BOOK A Time to Break Silence presents Martin Luther King, Jr.'s most important writings and speeches—carefully selected by teachers across a variety of disciplines—in an accessible and user-friendly volume. Now, for the first time, teachers and students will be able to access Dr. King's writings not only electronically but in stand-alone book form.

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The first collection of King's essential writings for high school students and young people. A Time to Break Silence presents Martin Luther King, Jr.'s most important to access Dr. King's writings not only electronically but in stand-alone book form. selections and is introduced by award-winning author Walter Dean Myers​.
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Listen to Essential Dean Martin on Spotify. Dean Martin · Compilation · 1950 · 50 songs. This item: THE ESSENTIAL DEAN MARTIN by MARTIN Audio CD $11.99.