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2) Player can Sokoban online. 346 likes. An online version of the Sokoban game. Different sets of levels and difficulties. Sokoban is a man working in a factory.

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published: Best results. View comments . Home About Catalog Champions Countries Favorites Guestbook Workshop New Help Sokoban Online is the best place on the internet to play the classic puzzle game, Sokoban.

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Sokoban has 250 levels and from easy to hard. 100% free and NO full screen ads and NO app-in-purchase.

online SOKOBAN logic game. click the bar to undo moves. Save Snapshot online SOKOBAN logic game. State on 11 April 2021 20:43 GMT. THE BEST PLAYERS; completed: levels: moves: pushes: A1master Instructions. Sokoban is japanese for 'warehouse keeper'. This puzzle game was originally invented in Japan in the early 80's..
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Part of 14 Easy Small Part of 14 Small and "Sokoban" is a free online knowledge level game, to cover all the orange holders (X) by moving the boxes over them. Play Sokoban online on computer. Classic game with more than 50 types of mazes.

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Since Java is not supported any longer, these applets do work on older computers only. Show your skills with SOKOBLUE java mastering 50 easy and 50 hard levels! Add your name to the Top 10 list for each level! Try out 50 levels of SOKOLOR!