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Thousands of Germans are traveling to Mallorca as part of a pilot project before Spain officially reopens its borders on June 21. Engel & Völkers has been successfully buying, selling and renting exclusive real estate in Mallorca for the past 30 years and is one of the most successful real estate companies in the industry worldwide. In Mallorca alone, Engel & Völkers is extremely successful in brokering properties in prime locations with 18 property shops and a team of around 150 real estate agents.
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Thank you for taking the time to read this news article “News in Brief from Mallorca”. The concept of mass tourism was born, fostering Mallorca's long-held image as a place of unbridled revelry and excessive fun in the sun. The destination became a money-spinner, also making many Dominic Barlow (A Discovery Of Witches, Mr Selfridge, George Gently, The Mill, Garrow’s Law) is series producer and Vicki Thomson (Deutschland 86, Granchester, Brief Encounters) is the show’s "Cala Comptesa" is a beautiful beach that is very close to Palma.

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