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2019-03-14 · Scala Final Variable: Scale final variable initialized only once while declared and used as constant throughout the program. In below example, variable area is final which is declared as final and also initialized while declare in superclass shapes . if we want to access or modify the variable area from derived class Rectangle then it is not possible because the restriction on variable area is Var versus val. In Scala we can use var and val to reference lists. Please note that lists are always immutable. But with var, we can reassign the list variable to a val functions are instances of FunctionN classes and if you look at the Scala documentation for say Function1 class, you will notice that val function will inherit other methods such as andThen or compose which allow for function composition. Explained example to use Scala val keyword.
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There’s an exception to the rule that one must initialize the val’s and var’s. When they are used as constructor parameters, the val’s and var’s will be initialised when the object is instantiated. Also, derived classes can override val’s declared inside the parent classes. Scala Val vs Var. The main difference between Val and Var is Mutability.
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We use var in Scala to store a variable—it can be changed. A var can be reassigned. The val keyword, meanwhile, refers to a constant.
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Scala is very important with regard to big data world and it stands for scalable language.When val is used to create a variable in scala it becomes a constan 2009-07-02 · Home › Scala › “val” versus “var” Declarations in Scala “val” versus “var” Declarations in Scala By Mohamed Sanaulla on July 2, 2009 • ( 4) Scala allows one to decide whether a variable is immutable or mutable. Immutable is Read only where as mutable is read-write. Immutable variables are declared with the keyword “val“.
We assign them to 10 and 20. Val: This is a constant value. It is a String. To understand the meaning of having a constant pointer to non-constant data consider the following Scala snippet: val m = scala.collection.mutable.Map(1 -> "picard") m // res0: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,String] = HashMap(1 -> picard) Here the "pointer" val m is constant so we cannot re-assign it to point to something else like so
Scala try’s to be immutable. So you have to specifically specify when you want something to be mutable. This is where the difference between val and var come in.
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var keyword initializes variables that are mutable, and the val keyword initializes variables that are immutable.
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To define immutable variable, we use the keyword val with the following syntax: val