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» Akhri Qormo Dhamaystiran VOA [Voice of America] Global English : January 16, 2019 01:00AM-02:00AM EST. Jan 23, 2019 01/19. audio Jan 14, 2020 01/20. by Sveriges Radio. audio Äntligen har World Radio TV Handbook 1966 kommit i klubbservicen.
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Notwithstanding the show of an assortment of data and diversion projects, VOA Somali shows different neighborhood creations. VOA Somali überträgt seine Projekte im Fernsehen und verbessert seine Wiedergabelisten für eine sozial und sozial unterschiedliche Gruppe von Zuschauern. Ungeachtet der Darstellung einer Reihe von Daten- und Umleitungsprojekten, VOA Somali zeigt verschiedene Kreationen aus der Nachbarschaft. 2 dagar sedan · Opposition leaders in Somalia welcomed a rare move by the African Union to condemn a term extension by Somali lawmakers for themselves and the president. The AU Peace and Security Committee Features of "Radio VOA Somali fm News Station USA Free Online": 1. You can set an alarm so that the radio starts to sound at a specific time.
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VOA. VOA Somali · VLT e-tidning. No. 74; Nyheter. Promedia. All Somalia Radios - SOM Radios FM AM This app was developed by Online-Radios-FM-AM-Online-Radio-Stations, last update on Sep 24, 2019, it has been Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast , TuneIn Radio, and other podcast apps.
2 days ago Voice of America is giving young Somali listeners a new platform for exploring social issues and getting the latest news along with music and technology features. The 30-minute daily radio program Dhalinyarada Maanta [“Today’s Youth”] debuted with hosts Falastin A. Iman and Ismail H. Mohamed discussing the Paris climate conference and Somali’s Prime Minister working to end factional The Voice of America(VOA) is a Washington, D.C.-based news organization broadcasting accurate, reliable news and feature programs on radio, television and the Internet. VOA broadcasts over nine hours of radio programs weekly in Amharic, Tigrigna, and Afan Oromo to … VOA Voice of America Somali radio programs. Barnaamijyada Idaacadda VOA Ingiriis.
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Somalimemo Wararka Sugan Ee Dunida Iyo Dalka Hooyo Voa Somali. Idaacada Dunida Somali Kulturfestival startades som ett mindre initiativ år 2013 och har sedan dess växt för varje år och blivit större. Festivalen fortsätter att vara på sin säregna VOA Somali kala soco wararkii ugu dambeeyey iyo siyaasadda Soomaaliya, Africa, Mareykanka iyo dunida. Soo booqo VOA Somali Audio Tube Toos u Dhageyso.