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Upon entry: Click "start" button and begin typing. Optional texts are in links below the test area. FYI: The Guinness world texting record is 527 chpm and that corresponds to 101 wpm - OMG! What is the street address where you live or work (where you did this speed test)? Thank you for your feedback. Please expect a call from +27 (11) 300-5800 to discuss your fibre options. When you use our tool, we'll use your IP address to run the speed test. We'll store this data anonymously, in accordance with our privacy notice, to help with our campaigning work.Once you have your results, we'll ask if you'd like to provide an email address to send your results to.

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Test: Snabba ryck! - Digital Life

Av2000 speed test

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Upload Speed is the second basic value that you will get when you perform a speed test. Just like the download speed, the upload speed is also measured in Mbps.