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Trigonum omoclaviculare (fossa su- praclavicular major) greater supraclavicular Fossa infraclavicularis. 5. Apr. 2015 Trunci, Faszikel und Nerven der Pars supra- und infraclavicularis des Plexus brachialis pterygopalatina, Fossa retromandibularis, Orbita. (s. Videre må av og til Fossa supraclavicularis og infraclavicularis på samme side inkluderes når aksillen bestråles. Kurativ strålebehandling.
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deltoideus. (sulcus deltoideopectoralis). - art. sternoclavicularistól lefelé induló der Fossa supra- und infraclavicularis ein leererer; hier, als in der linken Athmen vorne über der Fossa supr. und infraclavicularis, rückwärts bis zur Mitte der 23. Facial nerve r.
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Clavicula. Fossa infraclavicularis. Infraclavicular fossa.
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Hals: framför och bakom m.sternocleidomastoideus, i fossa supra- och infraclavicularis. Axiller Skapula tippar bakåt i ytterläge av flexion och abduktion. Skapula följer bröstkorgens rörelse i extension.
It is seen in as many as 10% of hips and is typically located at the 12 o'clock position both in the coronal and sagittal planes. 1. Lesser supraclavicular fossa - Fossa supraclavicularis minor Anatomical Parts. Illustrated anatomical parts with images from e-Anatomy and descriptions of anatomical structures
Fossa supraclavicularis minor je topografické místo, které se nachází na krku v oblasti regio sternocleidomastoidea. Jde o prostor mezi dvěma úpony musculus sternocleidomastoideus na claviculu a sternum. V hloubce se promítá cupula pleurae. Ohraničení [upravit | editovat zdroj] Mediálně a laterálně - musculus sternocleidomastoideus;
The Supraclavicular fossa is an indentation (fossa) immediately above the clavicle.
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infratemporal fossa an irregularly shaped cavity medial or deep to the zygomatic arch. infraclavicular fossa the triangular region of the chest just below the clavicle, between the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles. infratemporal fossa an irregularly shaped cavity medial or deep to the zygomatic arch. Fossa infraclavicularis 1 Definition.
Fossa — pit, sulcus — furrow, morbus — disease, apex — top, margo.
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It is the final common pathway of t Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen. Die Mohrenheim-Grube oder lateinisch Fossa infraclavicularis (genannt auch Trigonum clavipectorale, Trigonum deltoideopectorale und Sulcus deltoideopectoralis) ist eine Vertiefung unterhalb des Schlüsselbeins (Clavicula). Der Name leitet sich vom Arzt Joseph Jakob von Mohrenheim (1759–1799, Chirurg in 2021-02-08 · The supraclavicular fossa is an anatomically complex region of the upper neck, the contents of which lend themselves to diverse differential diagnosis for pathology within the region. The purpose of this text is to describe the anatomy and frequently encountered pathologies of the supraclavicular fossa. Die führende medizinische Datenbank für die klinische Erstinformation: Qualitätsgesichert, evidenzbasiert, auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage.