muskel : definición de muskel y sinónimos de muskel español
descriptive anatomy Flashcards
M opponens digiti minimi. M abductor pollicis brevis. U: thenarursprunget. F: tummens grundfalang.
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Innervation: N. Ulnaris. Image: M. Opponens digiti minimi m. flexor digiti minimi brevis. Image: m. flexor digiti minimi brevis. m.
Manuell muskeltestning, MMT - PDF Free Download
flexor digiti minimi brevis are fused with each other, and their supplying nerves frequently form a loop in these muscles (intrahypothenar loop), whereas the m. opponens digiti minimi is separated from the others and receives a separate nerve branch. The opponens digiti minimi is a triangular muscle in the hand.
DFM2 Anatomiska Strukturer MiR Amanda Kaba Liljeberg
Flexor digiti minimi breve X. 494. F89 m. Opponens digiti minimi X X. 495.
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M. adductor pollicis 5. M. flexor pollicis brevis 3.
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M.opponens digiti minimi.
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Musklerna som leder till tummen. Musklerna i fingrarna och
opponens digiti minimi),tunn, dåligt utvecklad 3) m. flexor digitorum longus;.