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The binding affinity (KD) values were calculated using a 1:1 fit model produced with Biacore T200 analysis software (Biacore T200 Evaluation Software Version 3.1). Article Snippet: Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurementThe binding activity of different ANP32 proteins to the IBV polymerase was measured using a Biacore T200 instrument ( GE Healthcare ). Biacore ® instrumentation is available for your use in the Biosensor Core Facility maintained by the Department of Physiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine. Biacore ® sensor technology provides a versatile, highly sensitive, easy-to-use, and quantitative approach to study the kinetics and affinity of binding interactions under exquisitely controlled conditions.
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Picture of Biacore T200. Current status: AVAILABLE. Book | Log|. Show/Collapse all. Responsibles. 1st Responsible: Thuy Tran.
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•Reacts to changes in the concentration of molecules 2004 Biacore T100 Upgraded to T200 was purchased new, and is in operable condition. This machine performs surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measuring macro-molecular binding in real time. Repairs needed: PM is needed (IFC replacement) Estimated Cost is $10,000.
Strukturen för slitrk2 – ptpδ-komplex avslöjar mekanismer för
Surface Plasmon Resonance. Facility: Biomolecular analysis core research facility,. ManufacturerGE HEALTHCARE. ModelT200.
•Is a non-invasive label-free technology based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) principle. •Reacts to …
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Biacore ® sensor technology provides a versatile, highly sensitive, easy-to-use, and quantitative approach to study the kinetics and affinity of binding interactions under exquisitely controlled conditions. Figure Legend Snippet: (A) Biacore T200 analysis of DWEYS inhibition of HMGB1-RAGE binding. sRAGE was immobilized on a CM5 sensor chip, HMGB1 with or without varying concentrations of DWEYS were added as analytes. IC50 was 34.7 μM. (B) Inhibition curve used for IC50 evaluation as noted in the methods section.
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Forum Placera
Biacore ® sensor technology provides a versatile, highly sensitive, easy-to-use, and quantitative approach to study the kinetics and affinity of binding interactions under exquisitely controlled conditions. Figure Legend Snippet: (A) Biacore T200 analysis of DWEYS inhibition of HMGB1-RAGE binding. sRAGE was immobilized on a CM5 sensor chip, HMGB1 with or without varying concentrations of DWEYS were added as analytes. IC50 was 34.7 μM.