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TRAILER. 21 июн 2017 Игры для iPhone, iPad и iPod touch / Новости Первая пятерка классических игр Sega выйдет в App Store и Google Play 22 июня. 9 Nov 2011 The multi-platform campaign in Australia, based around an augmented reality iPhone app called "Sonic Vision – Catch the Blue Blur‟, can be 22. Juni 2017 Die ersten fünf Titel der neuen Retro-Sammlung „SEGA Forever“ lassen sich nun aus dem App Store auf iPhone und iPad laden. 21 Jun 2017 Sega bringing free versions of 'Sonic the Hedgehog' and other classics to (If you've tried a retro game on an iPhone with only touchscreen 12 Jul 2017 The Sega Forever model sees the game maker releasing games ad supported mobile games, with an optional in-app purchase to […] US iPhone users spent an average of $138 on apps in 2020, will grow to $180 in 2021. 23 Jun 2011 Today, Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing is available on the App Store for iPhone and iPad, over a year after the game first hit consoles.