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Сегодня его использования является YouTube, где чтобы поделиться видеороликом используется iframe код. 26 Jul 2019 WordPress iFrame is a great feature every website owner should know about. Check out this article to learn what it is and how to use it! 29 авг 2020 Advanced iFrame Pro - плагин WordPress который позволяет включать контент так, как вам нравится в iframe, который может скрывать и  20 jan. 2020 — Behöver du presentera någons annan innehåll på WordPress?

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2019-06-29 WordPress removes iframe html tags because of security reasons. Iframe shortcode is the replacement of the iframe html tag and accepts the same params as iframe html tag does. You may use iframe shortcode to embed content from YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps or from any external page. 4. Auto iFrame – WordPress Iframe Plugin.

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Om du använder plug-in kan du gå runt  27 mars 2021 — iframe widget for wordpress The iframe is the most popular free WordPress iframe plugin. upload the.

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Wordpress iframe

Det här är ett  WordPress removes iframe html tags because of security reasons. Iframe shortcode is the replacement of the iframe html tag and accepts the same params as iframe html tag does. You may use iframe shortcode to embed content from YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps or from any external page. By hosting your videos on a platform such as YouTube and then embedding them on your WordPress site with iFrames, you can avoid the drawbacks of uploading them to your site directly. This technique will help make you a more ethical member of the online community and keep your site fast and easy to use.

Ämne; Antal inlägg; Senaste inlägg av; Senast aktivt. hur lägga till en iframe/​embed code; 1; botafogo · 14 år. Forum.
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