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Hojčuš RELAX 2000, spol. s r.o. Hadovská cesta 5 945 01 Komárno SK. 740. Baďurová We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Basic information about Komárno Area: 102.88 km² Population: 34,000 Composition of population: 59% Hungarian, 39% Slovak, 2% other Location of the town: at the confluence of the Danube and Váh rivers, on the Slovak-Hungarian border, in the area between Bratislava, Vienna and Budapest Public administration units: Komárno District within Nitra Region History: inhabited from the Bronze Age INVEST CONSULTING je konzultantska tvrtka specijalizirana u područjima poslovno – investicijskog savjetovanja, poslovima tehničkog usklađivanja tvrtki sa standardima ISO 9001:2015,14001:2015,ISO 22000:2005, OHSAS 18001, HACCP, IFS, GLOBAL GAP, pripremi projekata za financiranje od strane HBOR-a, EU fondova i razvojnih ministarstava Vlade RH te izradi programa ukupnog razvoja za JLS. INVEST-CONSULT. property management & consulting.
Társaságunk fő profilja két nagy részre osztható: Projektmenedzsment; Mediális szolgáltatás; Az elsősorban pályázati tanácsadással foglalkozó cég fő profilja olyan komplex szolgáltatás nyújtása a Basic information about Komárno Area: 102.88 km² Population: 34,000 Composition of population: 59% Hungarian, 39% Slovak, 2% other Location of the town: at the confluence of the Danube and Váh rivers, on the Slovak-Hungarian border, in the area between Bratislava, Vienna and Budapest Public administration units: Komárno District within Nitra Region History: inhabited from the Bronze Age Vi skulle vilja visa dig en beskrivning här men webbplatsen du tittar på tillåter inte detta. A Invest & Consulting. A Invest & Consulting AB är en komplett konsultbyrå inom redovisning, administration och fastighetsförvaltning. Med bred kunskap och gedigen erfarenhet hjälper vi våra kunder att optimera sina affärsprocesser och förbättra företagsledningens rapportering samt interna kontroll. A Invest & Consulting AB | 82 följare på LinkedIn.
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7. mar. 2017 Zadávateľ: Stamat invest s.r.o.; Predpokladaná hodnota: 371.068,15 Premier Consulting EU, s.r.o., Hadovská cesta 870, 945 01 Komárno. C.E.G. invest,spol s .r.o..
A Invest & Consulting AB. Srf Auktoriserade konsulter. Emma Oreby Auktoriserad Redovisningskonsult Skicka e-post 040-51 12 12 Malm
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