Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet - Primo - SLU-biblioteket
Differential outcome of the IDEFICS intervention in overweight
Methods: The paper offers theoretical and policy-level arguments concerning the evaluation of evidence and its implications for policymaking. IDEFICS (Identification and prvention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health EFfects In Children and infantS) är en av Europas största kohort för att förebygga barnfetma och studien utvecklade en samhällsbaserad intervention (2007/08-2010) som bland annat främjade den fysiska aktiviteten på … One purpose of 'identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants' (IDEFICS) is to implement a standardized community-based multi-component healthy eating intervention for younger children in eight different countries. The present study describes … Denna studie syftar till att utvärdera implementeringen av Idefics interventionen genom att undersöka nyckelpersonernas åsikter om interventionens utformning, eventuella förslag på förbättringar samt deras åsikter om interventionens tillämpning. Idefics är ett EU-projekt som startades 2006 och ska pågå fram till … The aim of the study was to evaluate the implementation of Idefics intervention by investiga-ting the key persons’ opinions about the design, possible suggestions for improvements and their opinion about the application of the intervention. Idefics is an EU-project which started in 2006 and will last until 2011. The IDEFICS intervention was unique in its field as it was developed and implemented in a European context, included multiple ecological levels and a multi‐behavioural approach targeting both environmental and personal factors in a large sample of children in different European countries.
The present study describes … The IDEFICS intervention illustrates these problems well. It was designed to allow for cultural and setting variation, while preserving a broad functional equivalence across ten specific action modules (for example, partnership building in the community, CONCLUSION: The IDEFICS intervention was relatively able to prevent unfavourable changes in ST and light PA in schools with a medium and high intervention process score. Further process evaluation research is needed to obtain a more profound picture of the IDEFICS intervention process. IDEFICS (Identification and prvention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health EFfects In Children and infantS) är en av Europas största kohort för att förebygga barnfetma och studien utvecklade en samhällsbaserad intervention (2007/08-2010) som bland annat främjade den fysiska aktiviteten på … The IDEFICS intervention similarly did not impact the 2‐year energy balance‐related behaviours of dietary intake 24, physical activity, physical inactivity 22, 24 or sleep 23, although an analysis 5 years after the intervention suggested that the intervention might have had an … Conceptual framework and objectives for the IDEFICS intervention programme Ecological approach. The IDEFICS intervention strategy was embedded within the broader general concept of health as an Locus of control.
Dietary sources of free sugars in the diet of European children: the IDEFICS Study. María Isabel Mesana Graffe, V. Pala, S. De Henauw, Gabriele Eiben, IDEFICS community-oriented interventionsstudie mobiliserade en integrerad uppsättning av insatser på olika nivåer i samhället, i syfte att underlätta införandet Fat, sugar and water intakes among families from the IDEFICS intervention and control groups: first observations from I.Family. Obesity reviews 16 december Cohort Profile: The transition from childhood to adolescence in European children-how I.Family extends the IDEFICS cohort. W. Ahrens, A. Siani, R. Adan, S. De Vårdprogram för fysioterapeutisk intervention.
perspectives for lifestyle interventions in children and adolescents IDEFICS kartlägger övervikt och fetma hos europeiska barn mellan två IDEFICS-studien. IDEFICS-studien Snarare var det viktigt att välja en interventions- och kontrollregion som var jämförbar med avseende på infrastrukturella, perspectives for lifestyle interventions in children and adolescents IDEFICS kartlägger övervikt och fetma hos europeiska barn mellan två overweight: the IDEFICS Sweden study, on behalf of the IDEFICS Consortium. participating in a longitudinal obesity intervention (Early STOPP) Cited by: 6. intervention for unaccompanied refugee minors the IDEFICS study är publicer ad i tidskriften norms in energy conservation interventions. en enskild intervention ska kunna kallas evidensbaserad krävs att den prövats enligt vissa En metod som är baserad på IDEFICS-modellen (Identification and IDEFICS samhällsorienterade interventionsprogram: en ny modell för om hur man kan tillhandahålla en sådan intervention i primärvårdsinställningarna. IDEFICS intervention syftade till att förebygga barnfetma och antropometri före intervention (2007-2008) och 2 med både övervikt och fetma i interventions-. som innehåller godartad och normal vävnad kunde uteslutas utan användning av några ytterligare immunohistokemiska markörer eller mänsklig intervention.
After five years a beneficial change in the consumption of sugar and water could be observed in the intervention families and children who were overweight and obese at baseline showed favorable weight trajectories. The IDEFICS intervention toolbox - a guide to successful obesity prevention at community level. In: Jay Maddock, editor. Public Health - Social and Behavioral Health.
En nyckel taivutus
Design & intervention messages One of the primary objectives of the IDEFICS study was to develop, implement and evaluate a setting-based community-oriented intervention programme in 2- to 9.9-year-old children in eight European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Sweden). Podcasts . During the IDEFICS intervention three podcasts were produced with the intention to broadcast key messages of the study both internally and externally: a medium of knowledge exchange and further education within the project members, and as a convenient presentation of the IDEFICS intervention key messages to families in the intervention regions.
För att utveckla insat- sen har
Engelsk titel. Possible selection bias in a health survey of children and families prior to a health promoting community intervention- The IDEFICS Sweden study. Section 4 presents a broad range of interventions to date; suitable school-based Parents' evaluation of the IDEFICS intervention: An analysis focussing on
av P Hagberg — kommande intervention av skolgårdar i Partille kommun.
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PT 1-2018 - Psykologtidningen
The IDEFICS intervention consists of a general and standardized intervention framework that allows for cultural adaptation to make the intervention feasible and to enhance deliverability in all participating countries. The present manuscript demonstrates that the development of an intervention is a long process that needs to be done systematically. The IDEFICS intervention trial to prevent childhood obesity: design and study methods. Obes.