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But there is also an expression to describe when captors grow fond of their prisoners. Ma c'è anche un'espressione che descrive quando i rapitori si affezionano ai prigionieri. We have lived there for years and grown fond of the surroundings. That is why we do not want to leave.
Tiểu học. Lớp 1 Lớp 2 Lớp 3 Lớp 4 Lớp 5 . Sách giáo khoa. fond of: yêu thích . A. trồng rất nhiều cây ở khu vực xung quanh. B. bị ám ảnh bởi những thứ xung quanh . C. yêu thích khung cảnh xung quanh.
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That is why we do not want to leave. A. planted many trees in the surroundings B. haunted by the surroundings C. loved the surroundings D. possessed by the surroundings Question 3: We have lived there for years and grown fond of the surroundings. That is why we do not want to leave.
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As Peter grows fond of the girl, he inspires her with confidence. Grant is natural as the shy idealist who grows fond of his surroundings. She is a pregnant teenager that Lovey grows fond of throughout the novel.
Granny's Dancing on the Table is the tale of Eini, a girl who grows up in the deep Swedish forests, isolated by her abusive father and afraid of the surrounding
should feel a sense of belongingness to Linnarhult and its surroundings.
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fond synonyms, fond pronunciation, fond translation, English dictionary definition of fond. adj. fond·er , fond·est 1. Having a strong liking, inclination, or affection: fond of ballet; fond of my nieces and nephews.
As they are profound connoiseurs of the region and also very fond of their garden excursions, either in the surrounding zones or in the neighbouring provinces. Tomatoes, aubergines, courgettes and much more are grown in the garden
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Question 3: We have lived there for years and grown fond of the surroundings. That is why we do not want to leave. A. possessed by the surroundings B. planted many trees in the surroundings C. loved the surroundings D. haunted by the surroundings Grow Fond Of. Crossword Clue. The crossword clue Grow fond of with 6 letters was last seen on the September 18, 2019.