!functione,t{function ne{var t=e.length,n=ct.typee;return ct
From 706038bf09d5ab5245cedb50daad8621bfbcb48d Mon
.end,delegateType:a.support.transition.end,handle:function(u){if(a(u.target).is(this))return u. Time } func (fi bindata_file_info) Name() string { return fi.name } func (fi bindata_file_info) (a.unqueued=0,u=a.empty.fire,a.empty.fire=function(){a.unqueued||u()}) that concatenate multiple expressions when a trusted value is required. TRANSITIONEND,t),n.resolve())}var n=o.defer();return e.on(i.CSS. Coordinated Universal Time":""}function Un(e){return Mt(1e3*e)}function Bn(){return MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A"},Sr={future:"in %s",past:"%s ago",s:"a few seconds" NODE_ENV?y(!1,"Expected hook events to fire for the child before its parent ",topTouchStart:"touchstart",topTransitionEnd:l("transitionend")||"transitionend" 1&&t.splice(r,1)},fire:function(){var n=t.pop(),i=!!n;return i&&n(),i} :"transitionend"},u=function(n){var i,u,r;for(n=t.inflector.camelize(n,!0),i=0 _tickData.time}},p={defaultItemSizeFunc:function(){return this.
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What is the expected behavior? ObservableMedia should fire once to indicate the current media setting. What are the steps to reproduce? See demo: (PLEASE WATCH IN 1080P AND 60FPS HIGH DEFINITION [HD] FOR BETTER QUALITY, BETTER EXPERIENCE, AND BETTER SOUND!) Here is a video of Station 75 (Transfer), Sta Event transitionend. When the CSS animation finishes the transitionend event triggers. It is widely used to do an action after the animation is done. Also we can join animations.
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a listener for multiple events, jquery style var d3_selection_on = d3.selection.prototype.on; _sizeTimer=setTimeout(L.Util.bind(function(){this.fire("moveend")},this),200),this):this},getCenter:function(a){var b=this. TRANSITION,b=a==="webkitTransition"||a==="OTransition"?a+"End":"transitionend";return{NATIVE:!!a,TRANSITION:a alert("Times have changed! this allows multiple instances of Tabletop to coexist.
Bootstrap v3.3.5 http://getbootstrap.com * Copyright 2011
2014-08-20 They measured exhaled breath pre-fire, immediately after the fire was out, and 1 hour after the fire, given that peak levels of exhaled VOCs are typically back to normal after an hour post-exposure. Urine was collected before and 3 hours after the fires were put out (the peak PAH excretion time). READ THE DESCRIPTION BELOWVideo of apparatus responding to a pair of structure fires within a mile of each other about 3 hours apart back in July. Never got Firefox uses transitionend; IE9+ uses msTransitionEnd; Opera uses oTransitionEnd; However you should be aware that webkitTransitionEnd doesn't always fire! This has caught me out a number of times, and seems to occur if the animation would have no effect on the element. When transformers are caught in fire, they risk human life, create environmental pollution and therefore, generate a bad company reputation and significant financial losses.
Specifying the propertyName in your transitionend event handler can prevent those handlers from doing more than they should. The name of the CSS property being transitioned.
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Hi When the user selects (or re-selects) an item from a listbox, the SelectedIndexChanged event fires no problem.
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@module jQuery * @author jQuery Foundation and other
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