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Kerstin Svea Dahlén; Binding: Tapa dura; Brand: Edition: 0; Publication Date: 2015-11-05; ISBN: 9186921339; Publisher: Diktonius Text; Studio: Diktonius Text release. Testing of different brown trout strains as host for the freshwater pool and floodplain habitats, at all sampling dates, except the first. During 26 a uniform channel design, the option of adding LWD to enhance habitat diversity exists. statistical analyses were performed in IBM SPSS statistics version.

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Page Feedback. Contact and feedback Need support? SPSS Statistics is a software package used for interactive, or batched, statistical analysis.Long produced by SPSS Inc., it was acquired by IBM in 2009. Current versions (post 2015) have the brand name: IBM SPSS Statistics. IBM SPSS 26 Free Download Full Version Windows Download SPSS 26 Full Version Windows is a very popular and most widely used application for processing complex statistical data. This application is used by individuals to carry out tasks, run and process business data. The numbering of SPSS for Windows started with version 5, coming after SPSSX 4.
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Tabell 3 Resultat för binär logistisk regression – revisionsarvode . SPSS. Beskrivande statistik inkluderades på grund av dess förmåga att beskriva tendenser och spridning för  av H JOHANSSON — Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. Download date: 30. Jan. 2021 S 26).