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Asked and Answered WTOC survey shows community split over homeless shelter proposal After months of debate, the West Savannah community could soon learn the fate of what has become a highly-debated proposal by the Salvation Army to build a transitional housing homeless shelter off of Augusta Avenue. SPOKANE, Wash- For the last several monsters there has been a conversation about vaccinations for K-12 teachers, they were moved up ineligibility. But what about higher education educators, like college professors. Margie sent us this question- “Why are higher education teachers not included in the "Teachers get COVID shots"?”- Margie Ray. Margie explained she has… Re: #668 - "Asked and Answered" Post by MajordomoTom » Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:46 am BarbaraK wrote: ↑ Sat Mar 20, 2021 10:32 pm I've beamed up, but I had to check the non-solo-solve button because I saw the now-redacted comments here. https://wiki2.rossmanngroup.com https://discord.gg/2dQSj6ZUjv Asked and answered: What readers want to know about coronavirus.

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