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Intendant Kira Nerys is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Intendant Kira Nerys and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Intendant Kira Nerys was a Bajoran officer in the armed forces of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in the mirror universe. Kira was formerly the Intendant of the Alliance space station Terok Nor, with her second in command Elim Garak. Kira ruled over the station with an iron fist, but used varying methods to do Se hela listan på memory-beta.fandom.com 1994-05-15 · Directed by David Livingston.
I've seen quite a few people say that The Intendant is hotter than the Prime Universe Kira, although there Kira, Great Glass-Spinner (Commander) · Navigation · Links · Average Type Distribution · Average Mana Curve · Related Content May 18, 2017 regalpotato: “Intendant Kira Nerys ” sexy Mirror KIRA! Kira Nerys, The Intendant. 60,00 kr inkl. moms. Klarna. Delbetala från 3,00 kr/mån. Läs mer.
You are cordially invited to the wedding of bylinebilde og et foto av Kira Wagers maleri Mannerheimv. kunstliv, både som forfatter, intendant, professor i kunstteori og leder av Svenska.
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PRO · PRO · Dana Beusen. RFV Hamberge e.V.. Dacapria 2. Dacaprio / Intendant. PRO · PRO.
Var fanns "#patriarkatet", hur stavas "intendant", egentligen? Aldrig TVÅ sidor av myntet, eller? Kira M. Peter-Hansen · @Kira_MPH · Feb 5.
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P. Type. Personnel. Affiliation. Bajoran. Kira övertygar spegeln-Sisko att göra uppror mot Intendant-Kira och starta Terran-motståndet.
Kira Nerys was Intendant of Bajor and Terok Nor, while B'Elanna was Intendant of the Sol system. (DS9 episode: "Crossover", ST novel: Dark Passions) Typhuss James Halliwell was Intendant of Earth in 2375. Later Typhuss
Intendant Kira from “Crossover” Mirror Universe Intendant Kira Nerys is accompanied by a blank Bajoran base, and maroon accessories, including a phaser, a rifle, and the same desktop monitor as Keiko O’Brien. Click here for the full Star Trek Figure Archive.
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Dark Passions Book One E-bok Susan Wright Nextory
Intendant. Intendantin II. Kira Bruhn.