Databaser Sophiahemmet Högskola



AMED - The Allied and Complementary Medicine Database. Studenter och Arts and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI, Web of Science). Studenter och  Våra databaser innehåller artiklar, rapporter, lagtext med mera. För att få mer information om varje databas klicka på plustecknet. Här hittar du också aktuella  Results from the Publication Database.

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However, if you are citing a part of the Constitution, you should use the article, amendment, section, and/or clause numbers. Article = art. [use Roman numerals: I, II, III] Amendment = amend. Citing an article published with an article number - replace the page range with the six-digit article number. Please be aware, the article number does not replace the DOI. Both need to be encompassed in the citation. Dissertation or theses from an online database APA Style does not have specific requirements for citing government document, instead suggesting that you cite the document based on its format.

Databases AZ - Stockholms universitetsbibliotek

Accessed 10 July 2017. Title In-text citation: Raish and Rimland explain that “text of quotation” (90) OR “Text of quotation” (Raish and Rimland 90). Author(s). Publication Title.

Eric database apa citation

Emma Roberts - Wikiwand

Eric database apa citation

Use this format to cite works in ERIC that are of limited circulation. The ERIC database sometimes includes non-periodical results, including manuscripts, policy briefs, and other documents. This template provides guidance for creating references for those documents.

You would cite the source found within the database, such as a journal article or a photograph. Click here to automatically cite a Database article. How to Cite a Journal Article from a Database Online in APA Format.
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Libraries - Columbus State University

If you wish to cite the U.S. Constitution as a whole, you may simply mention it in your paper without including a citation in the references list. However, if you are citing a part of the Constitution, you should use the article, amendment, section, and/or clause numbers. Article = art. [use Roman numerals: I, II, III] Amendment = amend. Citing an article published with an article number - replace the page range with the six-digit article number. Please be aware, the article number does not replace the DOI. Both need to be encompassed in the citation.